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I have two adopt sisters

An only child, a perfectly ordinary little girl in rural Wisconsin, I wanted sisters more than anything. When I turned seven, my parents made a decision that delighted me beyond measure: they chose to adopt. (* Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *)

It was Christmastime when my two new sisters, aged 6 and 3, arrived from Colombia. They came with a great flourish of celebration, as friends and relatives visited us bearing gifts to welcome them. That evening our guests went home and we were left to ourselves. My sisters and I went to the bedroom we were to share; as we crawledsintosour beds, our parents came to each of us, tucking us in and saying goodnight.“Te amo,”they whispered to my new sisters in Spanish,“I love you.”

From the beginning these newcomers were like my own flesh and blood; we played and bickered and learned just as if we had always been sisters. From the beginning we all were my parents' daughters equally, as they supervised and scolded and encouraged us. * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *

 Life seemed great. Beneath the surface, however, my parents were struggling with their own marital problems. As we girls were approaching our teen years, my parents uttered the fateful words,“We're getting a divorce.”

My sisters had been hurt before. They had been dealt a great wound when their birth mother abandoned them, and none of us understood the depth of their inner turmoil. It was a pain that now resurfaced, as the emotions from that abandonment years earlier overwhelmed them.

We all struggled during this time. My father remarried and strove to provide some sort of stability for us through this new family: another mother, brother and sister. But the bonds between my parents and sisters continued to disintegrate. By the time I left for college, my family was in profound disarray. * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *

  During my college years, my outlook on life evolved in significant ways. This personal transformation led my parents and sisters to reevaluate their own lives and make changes that ultimately brought us together as a family. My mother and father have again become great sources of encouragement for us three sisters. They have succeeded in providing our lives with a foundation of stable love. One of my sisters has recently married,and family gatherings are now occasions of happiness and renewal. 

 Chinese friends sometimes ask me why I am in China, working at a low salary when I could be prospering in America. It is the experiences I went through while growing up that have made me who I am today. I am on the staff of CBN, a humanitarian organization in Beijing that seeks to help people in distress. Among our many projects, we often work with orphans. * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,

My colleagues and I have sent a number of orphans to the US and Canada for free operations. One is a little girl named Xiao Chu who was born with a weak heart. She was abandoned as a baby. By age two she was already experiencing shortness of breath and loss of appetite. Her future looked grim. Last January we flew her to Canada for surgery, along with two other orphans with heart problems. The operations were successful, and all three children have since returned.

We are also working in some of Beijing's orphanages and schools for the mentally handicapped. Every week we visit various schools, playing games with the children and teaching them English. Not long ago we organized a conference with orphan expert Sherrie Eldridge to define the special challenges that orphans face. The conference was of benefit to orphanage directors and adoptive parents alike.

Our charitable organization also provides funds for cleft-lip and palate operations for the poor. One young woman in Gansu, for instance, had spent her life watching the world go by from the refuge of her room, afraid to go outside because of her cleI have two adopt sisters

An only child, a perfectly ordinary little girl in rural Wisconsin, I wanted sisters more than anything. When I turned seven, my parents made a decision that delighted me beyond measure: they chose to adopt. (* Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *)

It was Christmastime when my two new sisters, aged 6 and 3, arrived from Colombia. They came with a great flourish of celebration, as friends and relatives visited us bearing gifts to welcome them. That evening our guests went home and we were left to ourselves. My sisters and I went to the bedroom we were to share; as we crawledsintosour beds, our parents came to each of us, tucking us in and saying goodnight.“Te amo,”they whispered to my new sisters in Spanish,“I love you.”
Living Water

This happened a long, long time ago, when the cedar, the fir, and the pine still had needles that yellowed and dropped in the fall instead of staying green all winter.

Once in those olden times a Tofalar went out into the woods to hunt. He walked and walked, and he came farther than any hunter had ever dared to go. He saw a bog so vast that no beast could have crossed it, no bird could have flown across.

And the Tofalar said to himself: * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,

"If our animals can't run across this bog, and our birds cannot fly across it, what kinds of animals and birds live on the other side?"

The more he thought about it, the more curious he became. This site is on the Crushers:sbm。

"I must find out," he said to himself. "Whatever happens, I must get there.

And so he took a good running start, and leaped right clear across the bog. He looked around: the same earth, the same grass, the same trees.
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"Silly!" he said. "There was no need to jump."

Suddenly his mouth dropped open with wonder.

In a little clearing stood seven harnessed rabbits. They stood quietly, waiting. Then seven people came out of seven burrows in the earth, exactly like all people, only tiny. When the rabbits flattened their ears, the people were taller than the rabbits. When the rabbits' ears stood up, the people were smaller than the rabbits. Went to eat, while repeat.

"Who are you?" asked the Tofalar. "We are immortal people," said the tiny men. "We wash ourselves in living water, and we never die. And who are you?"

"I am a hunter." * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,

The little men clapped their hands with joy.

"Oh, good! Oh, good!" they cried in chorus.

And one of them, the eldest, with white hair and a long white beard, came forward and said:

"A terrible, huge beast has come into our land. We don't know where it came from. The other day it caught one of our people and killed him. We are immortal, we never die ourselves, but this beast killed one of us. You are a hunter---can you help us in this trouble? Can you hunt down the beast?"
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"Why not?" answered the Tofalar, but to himself he wondered: "Will I be able to kill such a frightful beast?"

However, he went out to track the beast. He looked and he looked, but could find nothing except rabbits' footprints. Suddenly, among the rabbit prints he noticed the track of a sable.

"Oh, that's too fine a quarry to miss," he said. "First I will get the sable, and then I'll go on looking for the terrible, huge beast." * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,

He found the sable and killed it. Then he skinned it and went on with his search. He walked the length and breadth of the little people's land, but could not find any trace of the beast.

So he came back to the little people and said to them: "I could not find your terrible, huge beast. All I have found was this sable." And he showed them the little sable skin. This is the next

"That's it, that's it!" they cried. "Oo-h, what a huge skin, what thick paws, what terrible, sharp claws!" And the eldest of the little men said to the Tofalar:

"You have saved us and our people! And we shall pay for your kindness with kindness. Wait for us. We'll come to visit you and bring you living water. You'll wash in it and will become immortal too."

The Tofalar jumped back across the bog and went back to his valley and told his people about the little men.

And the Tofalars began to wait for their guests, the immortal little men.
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They waited one day, two days, three days, many, many days. But the guests did not come, and the Tofalars forgot about them and their promise. This site is on the Crushers:sbm。

Winter came. Everything around was frozen. And the bog was covered with a coat of ice.

One day the village women went to the woods to gather firewood. Suddenly they saw a little herd of rabbits galloping their way. They looked again, and saw that every rabbit was saddled, and in every saddle sat a tiny man with a little pitcher in his hands. The women burst out laughing at the sight.

"Look, look!" they cried to one another. "They are riding on rabbits!"

"And look at the little men, how funny!"

"Oh, what a joke!"

"Oh, I'll die laughing!" * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,

Now, the immortal people were a proud race. They took offense at this reception. The one in front, with white hair and a long beard, shouted something to the others, and all of them spilled out the contents of their pitchers onto the ground. Then the rabbits turned and hopped away so fast that you could only see their white tails flicker. This site is on the Crushers:sbm。

And so the Tofalars never got the living water. It went instead to the pine, the cedar, and the fir. And this is why they are fresh and green all through the year. Their needles never die.

Living Water
1.One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to forget are already gone. (* Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *) 

2.Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights inone's hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or havingsomething to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when youneed love.  

3.Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give youstrength at last.   

4.I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.

5.Love makes man grow up or sink down.  

6.If you can hold something up and put it down, it is calledweight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavyburdens when they are in love.

7.We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour tolike someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forgetsomeone. * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *

8.One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When youfinally get your own happiness, you will understand the previoussadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love.  

9.When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love.All this needs a very big mind.

10.When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no moreimportant in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forwardby time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forwardwhen another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up.And we become different.  

11.If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.   

12.Don’t forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things youcan’t get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep thoselost things in memory.    * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *

13.I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. Forexample, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I stepbackward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.

14.Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up. If love isa mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while womenwill see fewer men.  

15.Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person. 

16.We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. Andthen begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will comeout, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.  

17.Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We alwaysthink that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing inthe world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize thatit's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but infact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time.    * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *

18.In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness

19.If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, sheneeds reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to know herselfclearly. coz only she has is misfortune.

20.An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting.A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.  

21. I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.  

22.In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself forsomeone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Justask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.   

23.When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up andhave a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't takeaway the world that belongs to you. * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *

24.Idon't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.  

The Letter

The following day was dull and foggy.The Hall was sur rounded by heavy,low clouds,which opened now and then to show the grim,cold moor and its wet,grey rocks.The weather made us miserable.It was difficult to be cheerful when we felt danger all around us.I thougth of Sir Charles'death,and the awful sound of the hound,which I had now heard twice.Holmes did not believe that there was a supernatural hound.But facts are facts,and I had heard a hound.Was there a huge hound living on the moor?If so,where could it hide?Where did it get its food?Why was it never seen by day? It was almost as difficult to accept a natural explanation as a su pernatural explanation.
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That morning Sir Henry and Barrymore argued about Selden,the escaped prisoner.Barrymore said that it was wrong to try to catch Selden.

'But the man is dangerous,'said Sir Henry.'He'll do any thing.Nobody is safe until he is in prison again.We must tell the police.'

'I promise he won't break into any house,'said Barrymore,'and he won't cause any trouble.In a few days he will catch a boat for South America.Please don't tell the police about him.If you tell the police,my wife and I will be in serious trouble.'

'What do you say,Watson?' asked Sir Henry,turning to me.

'I don't think he will break into houses,or cause trouble.If he did,the police would know where to look for him and would catch him.He's not a stupid man.'

'I hope you're right,'said Sir Henry.'I'm sure we're breaking the law.But I don't want to get Barrymore and his wife into trouble,so I shall not tell the police.I shall leave Selden in peace.',* Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,

Barrymore could not find the words to thank Sir Henry enough.Then he said:'You have been so kind to us that I want to do something for you in return.I have never told any one else.I know something more about poor Sir Charles'death.'

Sir Henry and I jumped up at once.

'Do you know how he died?'Sir Henry asked.

'No,sir,I don't know that,but I know why he was waiting at the gate He was going to meet a woman.'

'Sir Charles was meeting a woman?Who was the woman?'

'I don't know her name,'Barrymore said,'but it begins with L.L.'

'How do you know this,Barrymore?'I asked.
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'Well,Sir Charles got a letter on the morning of the day he died.It was from Newtown,and the address was in a woman's writing.I forgot all about it,but some time after Sir Charles died my wife was cleaning the fireplace in his study.She found a letter.Most of it was burned,but the bottom of one page was not burned.On it was written:“Please,please,burn this letter,and be at the gate by ten o'clock.L.L.”The paper fell into pieces as my wife went to move it.We don't know who,but if you could find out,you might learn more about Sir Charles'death.We haven't told anyone else.We felt it would not be good for poor,kind Sir Charles.But we thought we ought to tell you,Sir Henry.'

The Barrymores left us and Sir Henry turned to me.'If we can find L.L.,the mystery may be at an end,'he said.'What do you think we should do,Watson?'

'I must write to Holmes at once,'I said,and I went straight to my room and wrote a letter to Holmes,which gave him all the details of Barrymore's story.

On the following day heavy rain fell without stopping.I put on my coat and went for a long walk on the moor.I thought of Selden out on the cold moor in this weather.And I thought of the other man,the mysterious watcher.

As I walked,Dr Mortimer drove past me.He stopped and said he would take me back to the Hall.

'I expect you know almost everybody living near here,'I said.'Do you know a woman whose names begin with the let ters L.L.?',* Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,

Dr Mortimer thought for a minute,and then he said:'Yes,Mrs Laura Lyons.She lives in Newtown.'

'Who is she?'I asked.

'She's Mr Frankland's daughter.'

'What,old Frankland who has the large telescope?'

'Yes,'said Dr Mortimer.'Laura married a painter called Lyons who came to paint pictures of the moor.But he was cruel to her,and after a while he left her.Her father will not speak to her,because she married against his wishes.So her husband and her father have made her life very unhappy.'
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The Letter
When I was * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,12 my family had a get together. It had been during summer vacation so I had no school to worry about and I was allowed to stay awake for as long as I wanted. It was about 3:00 a.m. when my mom drove us home. I couldn’t believe that I was still wide awake. My step-father had been dead drunk, and passed out to show how much of a good time he had. I had been sitting in the back seat of the station wagon. I had fun that night, and I was looking forward to the next get together, but the drinking and the smoking, I could do luna gold without.
We had * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *, been on Highway 126 leaving Fillmore going into Piru, heading east. The mountains were to our left, and I had been sitting behind my mom. I watched as the dark hills dipped and sloped as we drove by, when something caught my attention. A strange craft soared above the mountain peaks. Understand, that the mountains were low and along side the highway, so what I saw was pretty close, I’m guessing about 200 feet. It was elongated and somewhat boomerang shaped. I could clearly make out the cross bars that formed the body. There was a red square box with a yellow flashing light, almost like a beacon. It seemed to fly not forward or backward, but instead length-wise and always to the wow cd keys left.
Whatever * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *, it was, it seemed to be parallel to us the entire way. "Momma," I spoke. "There’s a UFO." Mmmmm, was her only reaction. I rolled down the window a bit to make sure that it wasn’t my imagination or a reflection from any cars behind us. The craft was still there, matching the speed of our station wagon. I told her again, "Momma, there’s a UFO." Again, her only World of Warcraft power leveling response.
We turned * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,into town, and the mountains were off in the distance by this time, and so was the craft that I had been watching this whole time. The craft (for lack of a better word) disappeared through the mountains, and I thought that we were safe until I saw small silvery comets trailing behind the station wagon. I didn’t tell my mom about what I saw this time. She wasn’t paying attention to me anyway. The cometsmoved in and out of my view, slowly streaking to all directions, and always maintaining the same speed as the station wagon. I was intrigued by the beauty of it all, like falling stars which softly glided on the wind. That was my Wwow gold impression.
By the time * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *, that we reached home, I no longer saw the craft, nor did I see the silvery comets. I don’t know at which point they left my view. My mom made my bed on the couch as she had done every night. Our house was small so I never had a bedroom to sleep in. She had been tired from the evening’s events, and my thoughts had still been on what world of warcraft power leveling I saw.
I laid * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *, there awake, in the darkness of the living room, trying to reason what I had seen. Could it really have been just my imagination? I looked out through the window, wondering if the craft or those comets I saw were still there. A face leaned in close against the window and peered in. Its large dark eyes were lifeless. My face grew long in 2moons dil horror.
I was * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,in my mid-20s (about 10 years ago) when this occurred. A friend had a small group of us over and we were drinking and carrying on, and by night, we were all feeling pretty good. At around 3 in the morning, we had the brilliant idea of going outside and wandering the RuneScape Gold neighborhood.
For starters,* Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *, the neighborhood was in a not-so-great part of town, pretty well-known as a haven for drug users of all kinds, mostly crackheads, as well as gangsters and general thugs. While I didn’t live too far away, the difference was night and day. I knew better than to wander this area, especially at night, but off we went. To add to that, we were pretty tipsy, talking quite loudly for the hour, I’m sure, just generally being archlord gold disorderly.
We started * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,crossing a small park, when we were approached very suddenly by a short, grinning black man. He appeared to be in his late 40s, possibly early 50s, with a thin afro, some of it gray. His smile was absolutely beaming and it made me smile hugely, too. It was the most infectious smile I’d ever seen. In fact, this man had the most infectious spirit I’d ever encountered. I felt joyous beyond belief. Immediately we greeted and hugged each other. We called one another by name without introducing ourselves, and although I can very clearly remember him calling me by my last chaos gold name.
I couldn’t * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,remember his name even as soon as the next day. But at that moment, we absolutely knew each other, absolutely loved each other, like no two people had loved each other before. The only other words we spoke to one another were, "I know you." And we said this almost in synch, as the hugeness of that thought just occurred to both of us. Our souls were absolutely intimate. The moment lasted about 30 seconds. My friends merely watched with astonishment because something was just generally so bizarre about that wow cd keys moment.
Then * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,the man moved on around us, and I didn’t watch him go, but could see him leaving out of the periphery of my vision. I have no idea why that little detail strikes me as being so important, to this day, but it does. I’m sure I smiled on for another good minute, just being extremely happy. I was absolutely, positively, 100% no longer drunk from that moment on. The episode, the "meeting," was not the result of being drunk, but it sure ended it.I don’t know who that man was. I’d never met him in my life. I’m quite sure if you asked him, he’d say the same thing about me today. I don’t know why I know maple story power leveling that.
What had been * Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć linki *,so beautiful that night the next day scared the hell out of me. I couldn’t understand what had happened. I remembered vividly what had happened, but it made no sense to me. Likewise, my friends all contend it’s the strangest thing any of them ever experienced. They all felt something "heavy" occurring as the two of us met. They somehow knew that we didn’t actually know each other, despite our reaction to one another.Something purely spiritual happened that night, I’m quite sure of it. I’ll never forget dog carriers it.